November 24, 2012

Patti Smith

"If you are not into transforming stuff into art
Don't worry about it.
Just keep doing it and keep doing it."

Right now, that's the formula.
It's very easy.
Get the syntax down and then just record it.
Just, just do it.
And you should see how better you walk.
It just does something to your walk.
If you can't do anything with it
Don't worry about it.
If you are not into transforming stuff into art
Don't worry about it.
Just keep doing it and keep doing it because by the
12th and 13th, and 14th one you get into extraterrestrial stuff
 And they don't let you write nothin' down
 So you just,
You just keep goin' through it
 You know, you just keep...
Fragment from:"The Histories of The Universe"by Patti Smith.

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